The PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) officially guarantees the origin of products that have a history and tradition in their terroir. It is a certification of quality and origin established by the European Union through the INAO. The PGI ensures that the characteristics of a food product are linked to its geographical origin and know-how. It informs consumers about the specific characteristics of products and protects their geographical designations against imitations and usurpations.
For many years, prior to obtaining the PGI, Bayonne ham suffered from its reputation. As the only internationally renowned dry-cured ham, its fame was such that butchers and companies took the liberty of producing this ham almost everywhere in France, and even beyond, and marketing it under the name “Bayonne Ham.”
The PGI, obtained in 1998, allowed Bayonne ham to be brought back to its original area, the “Adour Basin,” at the cost of significant efforts by the entire sector united around the Bayonne Ham Consortium.

Today, thanks to the PGI, only hams processed and matured in the Adour Basin area can bear the prestigious and age-old name of “Bayonne Ham.” Thus, over the centuries, Bayonne ham, originally a food reserve to endure periods of scarcity and tackle heavy fieldwork, has become a valuable commodity representing a thriving economic activity for the agricultural sector of the Southwest and the agri-food industry of the Adour Basin.
Bayonne Ham is a certified ham that adheres to strict and transparent specifications at every stage of its production.
Requirements for
Bayonne Ham
At all levels (breeding, breeder groups, feed manufacturers, slaughter-cutting, slicing workshops, salting, processing), the specifications, approved by the authorities, include a rigorous control plan. This plan includes, among others, the following specificities:
Authorization of all operators involved in the Bayonne Ham sector.
A set of self-checks carried out by operators to control their production.
Internal controls within the Bayonne Ham sector conducted by agents of the Bayonne Ham Consortium.
External controls conducted by specialized agents from an independent certification body.
Optimal Breeding Conditions
The infrastructure and breeding methods ensure the optimal expression of the pigs’ genetic potential, the identification and monitoring of animals, and the implementation of prophylaxis plans. The small size of farms, low regional pig density, and regional health monitoring programs help maintain optimal herd health.
Traceability of Bayonne Ham
Every stage of production is not only traced but transparent, ensuring the quality and sanitary safety of the meat. Traceability allows tracking of each ham during maturation and verifying that the minimum drying period necessary for obtaining the Bayonne Ham designation is respected. All necessary identification information is included on the labeling of the hams.
In addition to the PGI label specific to the Bayonne Ham appellation, it is not uncommon to find Bayonne hams with other certifications ensuring its high level of quality and adherence to strict specifications: PGI South-West Pork, Label Rouge Ham, organic farming, or even Free-Range Pork.
Furthermore, every year, Bayonne ham is awarded medals at the Concours Général Agricole de Paris, held as part of the International Agriculture Show.